Anne GUTH, co-founder of Petit Veganne receives the Vegan Entrepreneur Award

On March 8, International Women's Rights Day, Anne GUTH, co-founder of Petit Veganne, received the PETA vegan entrepreneur award.

Vegan for several years, Anne GUTH wanted to rediscover the taste and texture of traditional cheeses, while respecting her strong values and convictions for animals, the planet and health... Unfortunately, no alternative was up to her standards.

Self-taught and determined, she seriously looked into the subject... After much research, testing and above all perseverance, she ended up developing innovative recipes that are totally adapted to a 100% home-made production of Organic Vegetable SpecialitiesShe then went on to co-found the company, "The Cheese of the World". In November 2017, she co-founded the company Petit Veganne with her partner, Yannick FOSSE.

But the time when production was done in a small 40m² workshop is long gone! Today, 4 years later, the company operates daily in a 400m² facility with a team of 12 people. The production has been multiplied while respecting the ethical values, the quality of the products and their artisanal production. The company is active in France and increasingly internationally.

Anne still coordinates the production and works regularly on new recipes, some of which will be released in 2021...

Photo credit: RL Thierry Nicolas


On line since 12/03/2021

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